5 Things I'm Getting Myself for Christmas

Posted in StyleWinterOfficeLifestyle5 essentials
5 Things I'm Getting Myself for Christmas

What I Wore

dress c/o BODEN shoes NEXT purse MULBERRY earrings ZARA

I think this time of the year, we get so overwhelmed focusing on other people and other things that we tend to forget about ourselves. Case in point is when I shared my experience with feeling overwhelmed right before the festive season last year and thus shared my calendar block template. After last year’s semi-emotional breakdown, I came into 2018 thinking it was about time I looked after myself. This year, I’m going to start the tradition of gifting myself things for Christmas, both big and small.

I’m a firm believer in practical presents as I shared in my gifts for travelers guide—these are presents that are obviously useful, yet luxurious and can enhance an experience, hobby or a moment. So, here’s what I’m looking to gift myself {and you can gift others too} for this festive season!

5 Things I'm Getting Myself for Christmas
5 Things I'm Getting Myself for Christmas

long satin dresses

5 Things I'm Getting Myself for Christmas
5 Things I'm Getting Myself for Christmas

To Inspire // Artwork from Arthaus

One thing I noticed now that I am getting older {and having moved a billion times in my recent past} that the most wonderful gifts I receive are the gifts with meaning. I want to be able to curate a home of things and items that truly make me happy. Arthaus is a website with museum grade material, work and art made by a global roster of artists. There is literally something for everyone and for me anything that showcases my creative part of life is something that keeps me going. I love that it celebrates artists by giving them what they deserve and serving with such integrity. I made a point to gift myself art regularly to support and to inspire.

To Enjoy // Ullo Wine Purifiers

If you can’t tell already from my Instagram stories, I love good food and wine or a cocktail experience. Since traveling to Carcassonne, Porto and Italy this year—I knew I had a palate for good wine. I wanted to be able to taste wine in its purest form. Üllo is a revolutionary wine purifier that restores the natural taste of wine with Selective Sulfite Capture filter technology. I will be sharing more about this in a mulled wine recipe coming soon!

5 Things I'm Getting Myself for Christmas
5 Things I'm Getting Myself for Christmas
5 Things I'm Getting Myself for Christmas
5 Things I'm Getting Myself for Christmas

To Relax // Do Nothing Holiday

I booked one trip this year that was supposed to be a true holiday. No social media, no emails, no stress. Unfortunately, I fell in love with the place hard and thought documenting it was the best way to truly relax. I want to actually book a holiday where I check-into the flight and then turn my phone off and store it away. I would take a book or two and spend time away to digitally detox, but also detox from any sort of work—to give my mind some ease. Some of the best deals can be found at Voyage Privé—as it basically sorts out most things for you. All you have to do is give your budget and figure out a meal or two.

To Treat // Designer Dress

Over the last few years, after splurging on a DVF dress with my college graduation money, I realized the worth of high quality designer products. They’re often timeless, versatile and can be passed down. Gone are the days where I would hold onto bonds or blocks of gold, but I want to be able to pass down that DVF wrap dress when my daughter or niece starts her first days at work. A few of these designer dresses could be used for momentous. The designer dress I gifted myself was my Mother of Pearl dress from my festive season outfits blog post.

5 Things I'm Getting Myself for Christmas
5 Things I'm Getting Myself for Christmas

statement gold earrings

To Grow // An Executive Coach

I went through a professional change this year {a very positive change}, but it required that I meet with an executive coach a few times over the course of a few months. In the end, I came out so much stronger, capable and strategic that it all finally felt like my life was coming together. I saw the effects on my work instantly and wanted to continue meeting with an executive coach to work on different things and angles. Even though I feel as if I’m someone who has it mostly figured out, you realize where you loopholes are and how you strengths mend your weaknesses. So another year for me, please!

Those are the things I’m going for this year to truly make myself feel special. It’s the little things you can do for yourself that make times like these a bit easier. What are you gifting yourself?

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Posted in StyleSpringFilms